Edit hours or assignment

Adjust hours, record sick time, highlight a provider's name, split a shift, and record a pure adjustment provider all in one place. This function is accessible in the 'Individual' and 'Main' Schedules. The number of hours worked by your providers may differ from the number of scheduled hours if a provider stays late, leaves early, calls out sick or if providers split a shift. Knowing the exact number of hours worked by each provider may be important, especially if your providers are paid according to the number of hours actually worked.



Short name: The short name for a scheduled shift can be customized for specific days in schedules. The short name is shown in the calendars, day at a glance notification, and the feeds.


The shift is split: Split coverage of a shift for one or more providers.


Adjust: Edit the hours worked for the shift and include an optional adjustment reason. Select the Adjust option and enter the 'Start & End' times in the 2nd row of menus.


Sick: Record sick calls with 1-click in the shift assignment. This is used for adjustments and payroll purposes. The 'Pure adjustment provider option' will be used for the provider covering the shift. The original scheduled provider will be counted as zero hours.


Highlight: In the 'Individual and Main' schedules, highlighting is done through the provider popup (from the shift). Highlight applies to 'As-scheduled' and 'As-worked' revisions only.


Exclude from shift stats: Remove 'Shifts' statistics from segment of shift.

Example, in this case, the shift would be split. Provider Smith would be assigned to the segment of the split from noon to 2 PM and the option would be set for the segment. None of the statistics that count shifts would count the segment worked by Lee. The shift would be considered fully covered and would not contribute hours to the 'Unscheduled hours' statistics.


Pure adjustment provider: Providers picking up extra hours outside of their scheduled shifts. The time range for pure adjustment shift assignments is always displayed in the 'Main' schedule.






Bonus pay: This option will be shown if the 'We provide bonus pay for hard to fill shifts' feature is enabled within 'Payroll'. A default bonus pay can be defined at the level of a shift.