The rising need for telehealth emergency room scheduling As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic public health emergency, emergency rooms have been forced to scale-up telehealth services for their sick people as soon as possible. This has assisted in reducing the possibility of COVID-19 exposure, increasing ...
FAQ for ByteBloc emergency physician scheduling software Below are some of our most common questions users inquire about with regards to ByteBloc scheduling software. Does ByteBloc have a mobile app? Yes, ByteBloc released its native smartphone app in January 2016, for both Android and iOS ...
Best features of ByteBloc ER scheduling software The ByteBloc scheduling system streamlines creating and managing shift schedules and generating accurate payroll information by automating the entire scheduling procedure from start to finish. Specifically, the scheduling software has been ...
How to make better ER physician schedules Scheduling shifts in the emergency department is a complex system that is only becoming more complicated. As a result of the more significant number of groups you must manage, ER schedules are more complex than those in other medical areas. ...
The importance of automating your medical staff scheduling Do you find yourself asking who is on the job this week? Answering this question should not give you a headache. Through automated scheduling, the process can be made as simple as pressing a button and freeing up time from repetitive tasks, ...
How hospital staff scheduling software helps you retain valuable employees Physician scheduling software is critical to the success of any business. It not only saves managers and HR personnel time and effort, but it also makes employees' lives easier. You can reduce costs, improve work efficiency, and schedule all of your ...
Seven physician shift scheduling blunders and how to avoid them Shift scheduling in an emergency medical department is far more complicated than it appears. Emergency medicine scheduling requires a lot of mental energy and effort, from managing overtime hours to making the proper decisions about who and when. ...
Using physician scheduling software for telehealth With healthcare physicians working strenuously to help meet increased patient demand, doctor schedules will ensure safe physician plans while meeting patient needs. Using physician scheduling software is one way to help with this. Scheduling ...
Five ways to improve nurse retention rates using nursing scheduling Organizations concerned with how to boost nurse retention frequently neglect some steps that can easily improve the retention rate that will lead to high-performing nurses. Even a brief and casual celebration or remark during a huddle at the start ...
Seven things to consider when deciding on on-call scheduling software The information contained in a unified on-call scheduling software includes staff schedules and personnel locations and assignment information, and contact details. It is considerably more than just a system for arranging doctor's appointments. ...