How to optimize your physician assistant schedule in your practice There's a wide range of healthcare professionals besides physicians and nurses. For example, a physician assistant usually has more time than a physician who's rushed to provide patient care, but, they also have different emergency medicine ...
Best practices for optimal intensive care scheduling An Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a self-contained and separate area of the hospital that's specially equipped and staffed and is committed to the monitoring and management of patients with life-threatening disorders. It offers special expertise ...
Can emergency medicine scheduling software help with forget to pee syndrome Almost one million healthcare physicians aren't just afflicted with forgot-to-pee (F2P) syndrome but are also undiagnosed, according to the Journal of the American National Society, Committee, and Association of Urinary Retention and Other Things ...
How a hospitalist scheduling program helps you attract and retain health care providers The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) conducted a survey that asked 2,550 hospitalists from 396 hospital medical groups (HMG) for insights about the way hospitalists spend their time and what type of challenges they have balancing work and their ...
ER challenges emergency medicine scheduling software solves Emergency medicine scheduling can be a complicated task requiring a lot of energy and time. Because it can be so complex, when you're in charge of schedule creation for your medical service, you might find it hard to believe that planning like this ...
Using a healthcare schedule maker to streamline scheduling Efficient staff scheduling can be more complex and important in healthcare than it is in various other industries. This is because the healthcare industry requires doctors to work through the night and have staff on call, unlike other industries ...
Top emergency doctor schedule strategies Emergency medicine scheduling is a very complex responsibility and is becoming even more complicated. Since there are various groups to juggle within the emergency medicine setting, scheduling is often more complex than pulmonology, OB-GYN or ...
What are the signs its time to use emergency room physician scheduling software Your emergency room department is likely dealing with many challenges. No doubt you're frequently short-staffed and overcrowded. Your patient volumes vary and each patient has their own unique medical needs where it calls for different types of ...
The benefits of using doctor scheduling software for healthcare networks Health networks face unique challenges. First, it's crucial you stay on top of the latest medical innovations and advances in patient care. Then, while you're doing so, you need to also stay compliant and work to ensure the safety, health and rights ...
Five actions to take for better ER scheduling There's nothing typical about emergency medicine scheduling. Multiple factors drive the ER staffing model. This could mean your ER has anywhere from single doctor coverage to overlapping doctor coverage or more. Not only is your hospital ...