What are the features of the best hospital scheduling software Hospital scheduling software provides you with real-time data at your fingertips. When you know physician preferences for certain days, availability of qualified staff, regulatory and union requirements, units and shifts, and more, it makes shift ...
How to choose the best ER physician scheduling software The doctor work schedule is a phrase that by itself could change the mood of any meeting, both for doctors and schedulers. Work schedules can impact time for family, vacation planning, and personal hobbies, not to mention contribute to physician ...
Optimizing your physician assistant schedule as the field grows According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), physician assistants (PAs) are among the leading seven quickest growing jobs. The BLS estimates the PA field will see a 31% growth between 2018 through 2028 and by that time, 37,000 careers ...
Five intensive care scheduling tips An ICU or Intensive Care Unit is a separate, self-contained area of your hospital that's specially staffed and equipped for managing and monitoring patients with life-threatening conditions. The ICU provides special resources and expertise to ...
Hospitalist scheduling program best practices in uncertain times One of the most time consuming and arduous tasks for hospitalists schedulers is working out the right balance among hospital requirements, patient needs, and the health and scheduling preferences of the hospitalist. And, with the uncertainty in ...
What are the most popular emergency medicine scheduling software features With the complexity of the physician shift scheduling process and all the different rules, you might be finding yourself pulling your hair out to generate the best schedule possible for your doctors and other staff members. With time-off requests, ...
Does your employee healthcare schedule maker have these features Would you like to maintain a smooth-running daily operation in your healthcare facility, especially in the volatile and dynamic environment we’re faced with today? Do you want to avoid the day-to-day struggle of filling last-minute shift changes in ...
Four key benefits of using emergency room physician scheduling software during a pandemic In the U.S., much about life has changed due to the pandemic the world is facing, but some things haven't changed. If you're experiencing a health crisis, like experiencing concerning COVID-19 symptoms, a serious injury, or a heart attack or ...
How to optimize the emergency doctor schedule during times of extreme capacity fluctuations The COVID-19 pandemic for all U.S. emergency departments (and most likely worldwide) has been a complete roller coaster ride. They've moved from pretty much empty ER department bays as patients delayed cares because of COVID-19 concerns to ...
Five ways to automate your medical practice As the medical industry moves rapidly toward automation, it's essential your medical practice is equipped with innovative automation features and tools to improve your workflow and enhance your patients' care. Here are 5 ways you can automate your ...