Shift scheduling strategies to help with shift work disorder Not all people get to work the traditional 9 to 5 work schedule. Actually, over 22 million people in the U.S. work rotating, evening and on-call shifts. When you work non-traditional hours, you face a lot of challenges. It can be difficult to keep ...
Seven ways to create a better ER physician schedule Shift scheduling for the ER department is a very complex system and continues to become more complex. Since you have more groups you're juggling, ER schedules are more complicated than other medical fields. Emergency medicine is also a unique ...
Six medical staff scheduling problems solved with software Physician scheduling software was once thought to be an indulgence. But now it’s tremendously sought after. When you compare it with traditional emergency medicine scheduling methods, it's a more patient-centric tool, and it could actually enhance ...
Seven problems solved by hospital staff scheduling software Distributing your employee's work time optimally is an essential factor for your hospital's success. But the issue is you're likely spending more hours trying to optimize the schedule than you'd like to admit. Hospital scheduling is ...
Ten factors important to shift schedules workers If you were to ask some shift workers to tell you what their ideal shift schedule would be, chances are you'd likely hear things like: • Eight hour day shifts Monday through Friday • Ten hour day shifts Monday through Thursday • Pick up my ...
Five reasons to invest in emergency physician scheduling software before the end of the year ER departments are medical specialties with many scheduling challenges because of round-the-clock staffing requirements and high doctor burnout rates. In your ER department's schedule, you need to address things like overcrowding, doctor ...
Ten physician scheduling tips you need in todays environment The goal of creating an effective emergency medicine scheduling system is ensuring your doctors' shifts are as organized and productive as possible. This allows them to maintain focus on quality patient care. These 10 tips will help you simplify the ...
Five ways nursing directors can improve nursing scheduling As a nursing director, nurse scheduling is one of many dreaded tasks you need to deal with when trying to manage a nursing staff. You have various positions to fill at all times as well as having to juggle the demands and concerns of your staff ...
Four ways on call scheduling software helps relieve physician burnout The healthcare environment with its demanding pace, packed workdays, emotional intensity and time pressures can put your doctors at an increased risk of burnout. Burnout is the reaction doctors experience from long-term stress characterized by ...
Seven reasons to invest in ER scheduling programs Every institution experience challenges with on-call schedules, particularly hospital systems. Locating and contacting the right doctors or employees requires precise and informative record-keeping. Many hospitals drum up a call schedule through ...