Add Group: To create a new 'Provider Group', click the 'Add Group' button within the menu. The 'Provider group' window will display and here you can start entering in the 'Name' and 'Precedence'.
1. Name: This is used as a label. You can name the group whatever you want. The asterisk indicates that it's a required field.
2. Active: Provider groups can be disabled. When a provider group is disabled, the providers in the group are not included in new schedules. Additionally, the schedule cannot be published to providers in disabled groups.
3. Max. number of Need Off requests per day:(Optional) Limits the 'Need off' number per day per provider group counted toward the limit defined for the total number of need off requests. When the option is used, only shift and time off requests that encompass the entire day are counted.
4. Maximum number of days off per provider per schedule:(Optional) Limits the number of days off per provider per schedule within the provider group.The maximum number of days off allowed per schedule period is enforced when defining future off requests. For provider groups with non-monthly schedules, the number of days off allowed is prorated per month. Shifts marked as 'Need off' as a result of the 'Shift off prior to day off' rule *are* counted *when* the 'off-all-day-only' option is *not* selected. Only 'Need off' requests are counted toward the total. All days when a provider is off as a result of at least one need off request. Depending on the option 'Include wish-off requests when enforcing the limit' wish off request may or may not be considered along with need off and cycle off requests when enforcing the limit. 'Can't do' settings are not counted toward the limit.
Maximum number of consecutive days off: Set a limit on number of days off in a row.
Maximum number of weekend days off per schedule:Set a limit on number of weekend days off.
Determine days off based on the total daily duration requested off: Allows to enforce the maximum number of days off per schedule based on the total time requested off each day. If this option is set, a day will be counted off if the total time requested off exceeds the value set for the option. Wish off request will be considered when determining days off. The option can be specified at the level of a location or at the level of provider groups.
Include wish-off requests when enforcing limits: Determines if wish off requests are considered in addition to need off and cycle off requests when enforcing the 'Maximum number of days off per provider per schedule'. The option can be specified at the level of a location or at the level of provider groups.
Maximum number of need off shifts per schedule: A limit is available for the number of need off shifts that a provider can request within a schedule.
5. Future off requests: Hide 'Future off Requests' menu based on provider group or 'Use location settings'.
6. Precedence: This means the priority of the group. At present, the precedence is informational only.
7. Delay for swap-meet proposal notifications: Notifications for swap meet proposals can be delayed based on the membership of provider to provider groups. Determine 'X' number of hours per provider group.
Edit Group: Select a 'Provider Group' then click the 'Edit Group' button in the top menu or double-click on the name of the group. The 'Provider group' window will open and here you can make your edits to the 'Name', 'Active', 'Max. number of Need Off requests per day', 'Maximum number of days off per provider per schedule', 'Precedence' and 'Delay for swap-meet proposal notifications'.
Note: All providers that are in groups for which limits are not defined are subject to the limits specified at the level of the location.