Add Category: The 'Add Category' button is located within the 'Categories' page. The 'Summary categories' window will open. Here you'll be able to enter in the 'Category type', 'Name', 'Statistic type', and 'Shifts'. An unlimited number of categories can be defined.
1. Category type: You have two options to choose. There's the 'Predefined' and the 'Standard' types. If you select the 'Predefined type' you can link it to a 'Predefined Category'. Depending upon what you pick for the 'Category type' it will display the default 'Name'. (The Name can not bed modified.) The 'Standard' option let's you name the shift whatever you want and select the shifts and it's not linked to a 'Parent Category'. To create a 'Summary category' simply type in whatever name you desire, up to fifteen characters in length, or use the drop down menu to select one of the 'Predefined Categories'.
2. Name: Entries are made in the 2nd text field within the 'Summary categories' window. Select the 'Add Category' or 'Edit Category' buttons to access the 'Name' text area. Enter any desired name for the current 'Summary Category', or select a 'Predefined' name from the drop down menu. A 'Name' may be an actual shift name (for example, NIGHT for the Night shift), the name of a category of shifts (for example, CLINIC could include both a CLINIC DAY and a CLINIC EVE shift) or one of several 'Predefined Category Names' that have a specific meaning.
3. Statistic type: You have the option to report on 'Shifts' or 'Hours'. Indicate which option you to want summarize in the 'Category' (for example, if the Name was CLINIC, you could create either categories for CLINIC HOURS or CLINIC SHIFTS).
- A start and end time can be specified for most categories that count hours.
4. Shifts: All of your active and inactive shifts will be listed here. You can select the check box next to the 'Shifts Name'. Your inactive shifts will be grayed out.
5. Count pure adjustment assignments: Categories that count shifts can optionally include pure adjustments assignments.
The categories that cannot make use of this option include the following predefined shift categories:
- Backup
- Locked
- Off
- Need Off
- Wish Off
- Overtime
- Edited
- Split Shifts
- Pay period
- Total Shifts
Note: This feature is not available in the hours category.
Edit Category: Select one of the 'Categories' to edit. The 'Edit Category' button is located with the 'Categories' screen. The Summary categories window will open. Here you'll be able to modify the 'Category type', 'Name', 'Statistic type', and 'Shifts'.